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Legal consequences of apologizing

December 1, 2021

State “apology laws” actually fail to reduce medical malpractice liability

While state apology laws make apologies by medical professionals inadmissible as evidence in malpractice trials, research shows that the apology doesn’t reduce litigation. The idea behind the law is that upon receiving an apology, a patient would be less likely to pursue medical malpractice and more likely to simply settle filed claims. Consequently, after hearing that a doctor made a medical error with the apology, the patient’s motivation to pursue a claim may increase, regardless if the apology itself is inadmissible in court. There is little evidence that apology laws actually achieve their purpose of reducing litigation - something all medical professionals need to be aware of.

There are cases upon cases of well-intended physicians who are personally invested in their patients’ cases, coming to know them and their families intimately, sometimes for years or decades. It’s natural for a doctor to feel badly for any unfortunate medical outcome - it’s natural to offer a sincere apology. But it’s these heartfelt sentiments and sympathies that are landing physicians in hot water with medical malpractice suits. 

Experts show the increasing data of state apology laws are increasing liability claims while failing to reduce medical malpractice claims. Even though the laws were put in place to protect physicians, it’s actually having the opposite effect. 

We’re left to wonder: should the laws be removed altogether? Is there a way to improve them to protect medical professionals while allowing them to show compassion? Most apology laws were passed in the 1990’s and 2000’s, so it’s no surprise that there’s room for relevancy and improvement. In fact, Massachusetts, Iowa, Oregon, and Colorado recently passed new apology laws that promote development of disclosure programs within healthcare organizations.

What the research shows

Stanford Law Review’s research by Benjamin McMichael showed the following findings regarding state apology laws failing to reduce medical malpractice risk: []

  • Apology laws didn’t reduce the probability surgeons would face a claim
  • For nonsurgeons, apology laws raised the probability of being sued and increased the average payment to resolve claims
  • Apology laws increased premiums charged to general surgeons, internists, and obstetrician-gynecologists by 10% to 16%

McMichael used data from various studies, spanning from 2004-2014, 1999-2011, and 2021.

Doctors have cited cases of simply telling patients and their families that they’re sorry they’re going through this, only to find themselves being sued. These genuine concerns are being misconstrued as admission to medical malpractice. Physicians do cite feeling the moral, human drive to apologize to their patients when it’s appropriate, regardless of the protections or laws working for or against them.

August 16, 2021
Below is a list of four things you should NEVER, EVER do if you suspect that you are about to be named in a claim. But before we get down into the details of how to handle a claim it is critical to go over your medical malpractice insurance policy to find out how your insurance company will respond to a claim. ACADEMIC GROUP INCIDENT TRIGGER The first thing you want to check is whether the policy has an Incident or Written Demand claim-trigger. Fortunately, physicians that are covered under the Academic Group policy have an incident trigger in their policy which is always preferred in case of a claim. An incident trigger allows a physician to report an incident to the insurance company that has the potential to turn into a claim in the future. With the incident-trigger, you can speak with a claim adviser right away and prepare for your defense, even no claim has been filed against you yet. In addition to the incident trigger, Academic Group also provides its policy holders with a free, 100% confident and secure, phone line ( for discussing potential claims with New York based claim attorneys. If you currently practice in New York under a written-demand trigger policy, you may want to consider contacting Academic Group for a quote. The written-demand-trigger prevents a physician from reporting a claim until a lawsuit has been filed. Policies with a written-demand-trigger tent to be cheaper and sometimes, in order to save premium, a provider might decide to purchase a policy with a written-demand-trigger. This is not recommended. WORRIED ABOUT A CLAIM? DO’S AND DONT’S If you are given written notice or you suspect you are about to have a claim, avoid the following: 1. Alter or revise the patient's medical records . Every claim-attorney will tell you that even if you see an error in the medical records, you should refrain from making changes or altering. Leave the medical records as is and provide them to your attorney with a separate note identifying the error or mistake. 2. Release medical records or any other patient or practice information without consulting with your medical malpractice insurance company. You pay your premium every year so that if a claim arrises, your insurance company will defend you. Talk to your company before sending out anything patient or practice information. 3. Discuss the claim with anyone other than your attorney or the malpractice insurance company claim-representatives. Claims are stressful and it's natural to want to discuss your situation with friends or colleagues. Don’t do it. Keep the claim details to yourself and only discuss your claim with your assigned attorney or the insurance company claim manager.  4. Reach out to contact the patient or their attorney. If you think reaching out to the patient or their attorney will help you with a claim, think again. If you are still considering, first reach out to your insurance company claim representatives and attorneys and let them know you are thinking of contacting the patient or the patient's representatives. They will advise you on the proper communication channels or perhaps provide you a list of reasons that this might be a bad idea. Confidential legal advice line at NO COST to ACADEMIC GROUP insureds: 1-855-444-0554
July 28, 2021
Even though most “Ones” or first year medical students are not known for having extra money in the bank after digging deep and paying lab fees, books, tuition, most make a point of locking down affordable Long Term Disability Insurance with the best coverages and terms during their first year of medical school. Let’s face it, ones” prioritize purchasing Long term type of coverage because they are still young, at their healthiest and training for a medical career with many profitable years ahead. But very quickly, working in the medical industry, they witness terrible medical situations or medical accidents. They start to see, firsthand, what families have to go through when someone can no longer work and the realization that medical costs are about to overwhelm them. Some leaders or Deans of medical schools will arrange for independent, non-affiliated, disability insurance agencies to come in and offer seminars and sign-up/quoting with high-quality, A-Rated (AMBest) long-term coverage. No matter your situation it's always a good idea to make sure that coverage is sufficient and in-line with your current income and earning potential. If you never bought a policy and you might be thinking that it's too late to get a policy in place, ask yourself, what would happen to your family and loved ones if you were sidelined and unable to earn a living. AHPIA does not provide Long Term Disability Coverage but works closely with an extensive network of highly rated, fully licensed agents that can offer coverage advice and free quotes. If you would like to learn more about Long-Term Disability Insurance coverage please click here: and leave your information along with the code: DISABILITY and we will put you in touch with a licensed and qualified Long Term Disability Agent and someone who will personally go over various policy features, pricing and insurance terms free of charge with absolutely no pressure to buy. AFFORDABLE SHORT TERM MEDICAL MALPRACTICE INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS, INTERNS, FELLOWS, ROTATIONS AVAILABLE HERE : If you are a medical student, foreign medical student/graduate, intern, fellow or a medical professional needing short term medical malpractice insurance coverage with fair and low rates, please click here and fill out our online form. AHPIA wishes you a long, healthy, satisfying, profitable career in medicine. We thank our “First-Line Responders” for everything they do and we will always work with our clients to provide the best coverage and the lowest price.
February 10, 2021
If recent times have taught us anything, it’s that Black voices, stories, and accomplishments need to be talked about. Shared. Celebrated.
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